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Based on bsr's 2000 "guidelines for second line drug monitoring", and on "prescribing and monitoring of dmards for inflammatory arthritis", in arcs publication, rheumatic disease: in practice, 2002, number 8.

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Some people may overmedicate on the mistaken assumption that more is better, for example, 5 methyl 7 hydroxy isoflavone.
Street purchases are commonly substitute or diluted drugs. Objectives: soy isoflavones have many effects similar to those of estrogen and have become popular among postmenopausal women as an alternative for hormone replacement therapy hrt.
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Studies have shown methoxy isoflavone can increase protein synthesis and decrease body fat as well as increase anabolic hormone production without androgenic side effects.
3. EFFECTS OF MAGNESIUM SUPPLEMENTATION IN EXPERIMENTAL ALLOXANIC DIABETES Irina Chi1, MI Ungureanu2, P Turcoman2, Anca Suciu2, Adriana Muresan1 1 Physiology Department, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iuliu Hatieganu" Cluj Napoca, 2 Students, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hatieganu, Cluj-Napoca, Romania and isoniazid.

Isoflavone with TPO in the presence of H2O2 caused irreversible inactivation of the enzyme; however, the presence of iodide ion in the incubations completely abolished the inactivation. The IC50 values for inhibition of TPO-catalyzed reactions by genistein and daidzein were ca. 1-10 microM, concentrations that approach the total isoflavone levels ca. 1 microM ; previously measured in plasma from humans consuming soy products. Because inhibition of thyroid hormone synthesis can induce goiter and thyroid neoplasia in rodents, delineation of anti-thyroid mechanisms for soy isoflavones may be important for extrapolating goitrogenic hazards identified in chronic rodent bioassays to humans consuming soy products. Normalization of hyperhomocysteinemia with L-thyroxine in hypothyroidism. Hussein WI, Green R, Jacobsen DW, Faiman C. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Ohio 44195, USA. Ann Intern Med. 1999 Sep 7; 131 5 ; : 348-51. BACKGROUND: Hyperhomocysteinemia is an independent risk factor for coronary, peripheral, and cerebrovascular disease. Elevated plasma homocysteine levels were described in a preliminary report on primary hypothyroidism. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether restoration of euthyroidism by L-thyroxine replacement therapy would reduce or normalize plasma homocysteine levels. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: Outpatient endocrinology department of a tertiary center. PATIENTS: 14 patients 10 women and 4 men; 25 to 77 years of age ; : 4 with newly diagnosed chronic Hashimoto ; hypothyroidism and 10 who had been rendered acutely hypothyroid thyroid-stimulating hormone level 25 mU L ; total thyroidectomy for thyroid carcinoma. MEASUREMENTS: Total plasma homocysteine levels were measured at baseline and 3 to 9 months later, after euthyroidism had been attained by Lthyroxine replacement therapy. RESULTS: Median baseline plasma homocysteine levels in both sexes women, 11.65 micromol L [range, 7.2 to 26.5 micromol L]; men, 15.1 micromol L [range, 14.1 to 16.3 micromol L] ; were higher P 0.002 ; than those in healthy female n 35 ; and male n 36 ; volunteers women, 7.52 micromol L [range, 4.3 to 14.0 micromol L]; men, 8.72 micromol L [range, 5.94 to 14.98 micromol L] ; . Eight patients 57% ; had baseline plasma homocysteine levels that exceeded the upper limit of sex-specific reference ranges. Upon attainment of euthyroidism, all patients had a diminution in plasma homocysteine levels. The median overall change of -5.5 micromol L range, -15.4 to -1.8 micromol L ; corresponds to a 865!

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Lation and nitrogen fixation20. Genes encoding many enzymes active in the phenylpropanoid pathway have been isolated from many species. However, the gene encoding isoflavone synthase, the first step in the branch of the phenylpropanoid pathway that commits metabolic intermediates to the synthesis of isoflavones, has proved difficult to identify. Using a soybean EST collection, we have identified the cDNA encoding isoflavone synthase through functional expression in yeast. We have cloned homologs from several other related legume species as well as sugarbeet a nonlegume ; and shown that these genes are both structurally and functionally similar. We have expressed isoflavone synthase in Arabidopsis thaliana, a plant that does not normally make isoflavones, and shown that this transgenic plant is now able to produce genistein. Results and discussion Identification of isoflavone synthase cDNA. Isoflxvone synthase IFS ; catalyzes the oxidation of 7, 4'-dihyroxyflavanone liquiritigenin ; or 5, 7, 4'-trihydroxyflavanone naringenin ; to daidzein or genistein, respectively. Because earlier work suggested that the enzyme that catalyzes this reaction is a cytochrome P450 refs 21, 22 ; , we therefore used homology to known cytochromes P450 as the criterion for selecting candidate cDNA clones from among libraries of soybean ESTs. Because IFS shows enhanced activity in fungally challenged tissue, we preferentially chose cDNAs with enhanced abundance in libraries constructed from leaves infected with the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Included among this group of candidates were cDNAs homologous to those described by Schopfer and Ebel23. The candidate cDNAs were individually expressed in yeast to screen for functional activity of the encoded proteins. Cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenases generally catalyze NADPH- and O2-dependent hydroxylation reactions but do not use NADPH directly, instead relying upon an interaction with a flavoprotein known as a P450 reductase that transfers electrons from the cofactor NADPH to the cytochrome P450 ref. 24 ; . The yeast strain used for and vasodilan.
The isoflavones daidzein, genistein, biochanin a and formononetin were found to inhibit enzymes that produce steroid hormones critical to reproductive and neurological function, particularly hormones that produce testosterone.
The following potential health benefits are attributed to isoflavones: ease menopause symptoms: the hot flush is the most common and disruptive symptom of the menopause and ketorolac.

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The global analysis of all the graphs, questionnaires, tables and psycho pedagogical evaluation strengthen the information above in a differentiated level, proving that in the Intervention Group we got resulted more significant about to ample the motor coordination, force, agility, cooperation between the individuals, self-control emotional and academic profits exactly when this was not same to promotion to the new academic year. The question of the not academic evolution is contained in a variable not controllable which is not the knowledge or not application of adjusted methodological instruments to the conduction of the works in classroom school on the part of the teachers, for this type of clientele. About the objectives considered for the research we observed reduction in the anxiety levels, such as, to respect the "time" of the other, to wait its seated time. Of form more accented the Intervention Group it mainly developed great capacity of contribution and of concentration because during the Vault activities, carried through in pair and on the horse they demanded responsibility with the proper security and with the other. These results strengthen the research that points the guided and systematic physical activities as instrument to increase auto-esteem, the sensation of personal security and the capacity to support a frustration state. It was still verified, that these activities, when carried through on the horse, they still value the conquests contributing, to increase to self-esteem. We conclude that the Hipotherapy was important factor for the evolution and change of attitude of the searched children and that the use of the Vault represented a differential in this result. We indicate, thus, the insertion of the Vault as instrument of mediation for the type of clientele fruit of this study, recommending, still, to initiate with younger children and that the duration of the intervention is defined in joint action between the involved segments health, education, the family and professionals of the Hipotherapy. Thasana N, Ruchirawat S. The synthesis of wrightiadione via directed remote metalation. Synlett. 7 ; : 1037-9, 2003 Jun ; . Directed remote metalation, Wrightiadione, N, N-diethylisoflavone-2 `-carboxamide, Directed metalation group, Electrophilic substitution. : The application of directed remote metalation DreM ; and electrophilic substitution is reported for the synthesis of wright-iadione using NN-diethylcarboxamide as a directed metalation group DMG ; and electrophilic group. The lithiation of N, with LDA gave a carbanion at C-2 which further cyclized to wrightiadione and ketotifen.
INTRODUCTION Dietary intake of soy has been associated with low incidence rates of hormonally dependent and independent cancers 1 ; . Soyfoods have been associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease 2 ; . Isoflavones may directly inhibit bone resorption 3 ; . In animal studies, isoflavones showed anticancer capabilities and inhibited the growth of human breast and prostatic cancer cells in culture 4 ; . A recent study proposed that isoflavones may be the factor responsible for the cholesterol-lowering property of some soyfoods 5 ; . To evaluate the potential of isoflavones as health-enhancing dietary compounds, the amounts of isoflavones available in typ1474S.

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Ultrameal, which we carry in the office, is a complete food that provides 15 grams of non-gmo soy protein and 17mgs of isoflavones, comes in delicious flavors and is easy to prepare: 2 scoops, 8 ounces of water and shake and lamictal. Women who think they are pregnant must call their health care providers, for example, isoflavones thyroid.
Nutritional interest of flavonoids Remesy C.; Manach C.; Demigne C.; Texier O.; Regerat F. Ctr. de Recherche Nutrition Humaine, I.N.R.A., Unite des Maladies Metaboliques, 63122 St-Genes-Champanelle France Medecine et Nutrition France ; , 1996, 32 1 ; Polyphenols represent a complex group of compounds including several categories such as 4-oxo-flavonoids, anthocyanins and tannins. Some of these molecules are present in substantial amounts in various beverages and in plant foods fruits, vegetables. ; , and several investigations have established that they were liable to cross the intestinal barrier in mammals. Significant concentrations of flavonoid or polyphenol metabolites are likely to circulate in blood plasma in humans, and it appears thus important to assess their potential biological effects. Some interesting properties have already been reported, especially as to 4-oxoflavonoids: they have antioxidizing and metal-complexing properties, and they are liable to modulate the activity of enzymes governing important cell functions. By protecting L.D.L. from oxidative alterations and by affecting platelet functions and plasma cholesterol, flavonoids might play a protective role against atherosclerosis. Some 4-oxo-flavonoids quercetin, genistein. ; show antiproliferative properties in vitro and inhibit the development of chimio-induced cancers in animal models. Thus, together with other micronutriments, their occurence in fruits and legumes could explain the preventive effects towards cancer risk of plant foods. Isoflavones which present a phytoestrogenic activity could be more specifically involved in the prevention of breast cancer risk. Further investigations are required to determine the actual bioavailability of the different classes of flavonoids, and to fully understand the underlying mechanisms of their biological effects and lamotrigine. LAUGHTER IS GOOD MEDICINE! Children suffering from diseases such as cancer and AIDS are the happy candidates of a new study looking into the healing effects of laughter. Rx Laughter, the brainchild of prime-time television executive, Sherry Dunay Hilber, is a unique five-year study currently underway at the University of California School of Medicine. According to the famous Patch Adams, M.D., "People crave laughter as if it were an essential amino acid." Studies of medical students show that laughter can significantly alter stress hormone levels known to weaken the immune system, as well as directly boost the body's natural defenses. SPIRITUAL BELIEFS ARE GOOD FOR HEALTH A university study suggests that longevity may be related to spirituality. Dr. Chandrakant Shah, a physician and professor of public-health sciences at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Medicine examined three indicators from Statistics Canada data ; : attendance and non-attendance ; at a house of worship; types of stress experienced; and levels of social connectedness, including personal relationships, voluntarism and related altruistic behaviour. He concluded that up to 43, 000 deaths per year, nearly one fifth of all deaths in this country-- are "potentially attributable" to low levels of spirituality. The study is in the process of being submitted to professional journals. "If you are connected to a higher being, it's much easier to find meaning in life because you know that somebody is there, or guides you, " he says. "Knowing you cannot change some things reduces stress." MELATONIN HOLDS GREAT PROMISE The pineal hormone, melatonin, is known to many people as a way to help adjust sleep cycle problems in those experiencing jet lag for instance ; . Now, it appears that there may be an exciting new application for this hormone in cancer treatment. Three recent studies completed in Italy suggest that melatonin can not only prevent or diminish sideeffects associated with chemotherapy, but it may also substantially increase survival. In one study, 250 patients with metastatic solid tumor were randomly divided into two groups: the treatment group received melatonin plus chemotherapy and the control group received chemotherapy alone. Oneyear survival rate was substantially greater 51% vs. 23% ; in the group that received melatonin. In summary, melatonin 20 mg per day ; has been shown to reduce the adverse effects and improve the efficacy of chemotherapy in patients with advanced cancer. The Centre's medical staff recommend melatonin for advanced cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. MULTI-YEAR STUDY ON VITAMIN E & SELENIUM VS. PROSTATE CANCER The Queen Elizabeth II Health Science Centre in Halifax has been selected as the site to carry out an extensive North American study of whether or not vitamin E and selenium have protective effects against prostate cancer. Over the next 12 years, this double-blind, placebo controlled and population-based study will draw on data from 32, 400 male subjects at 300 sites across North America, including four sites in Canada. "What is important about this as a study is it will definitively answer the question as to whether these supplements will prevent prostatic cancer, " said Dr. Ur, one of the co-investigators of the study. Dr. Ur does not take vitamin E and selenium himself. "I not in the 50 + at risk age group yet, " he said. "I will take my chances until I see the results of the study. I do eat a lot of tofu though, " he said. Tofu is extremely high in vitamin E and anticancer phytoestrogens called isoflavones. MEDITATION TRIPLES LIFE EXPECTANCY A new Canadian study has found that some cancer patients who practiced meditation, visualization and group support Continued on page 3. Isoflavone-2-carboxylic acids are formed in variant d ; of the process and their decarboxylation may be preferably carried out by heating them in thepresence of catalysts such as powdered copper or in the absence of catalysts and levothyroxine.

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About 1 in 50 drug-induced cutaneous adverse reactions is reported as a potentially severe event ie, requiring hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospital stay, is life-threatening, or results in persistent or significant disability incapacity or death ; .2, 46 Complicating rapid detection of potential severe skin reactions is the fact that exanthematous eruptions are often the initial presentation for both benign and severe drug-induced cutaneous reactions. However, several extracutaneous manifestations associated with severe skin reactions can be used to distinguish them from nonsevere reactions Table 3 ; .2 Moreover, a number of skin disorders involving blistering, desquamation, or exfoliation may be mistaken for serious skin reactions such as.
R-00729-2005.R1 ABSTRACT Background: In irritable bowel syndrome IBS ; patients, the relationship between sex and sensitivity to visceral stimuli are incompletely understood. Aim: To evaluate the effect of sex on perceptual responses to visceral stimulation in IBS. Methods: 58 IBS mean age 42 1 yr; 34 men, 24 women ; and 26 healthy controls mean age 38 3 yr; 9 men, 17 women ; underwent barostat-assisted distensions of the rectum and sigmoid colon. Rectal discomfort thresholds were measured using a randomized, phasic distension paradigm before and after repeated noxious sigmoid stimulation SIG, 60 mmHg pulses ; . Results: Sex had a significant effect on rectal discomfort thresholds. Women with IBS were the most sensitive lower thresholds [27 2.7 mmHg] and higher ratings ; with significantly lower rectal discomfort thresholds compared to men with IBS 38 2.3 mmHg ; and healthy women who were the least sensitive 41.9 3.2 mmHg; both P 0.01 ; . There were no significant differences in rectal discomfort thresholds between healthy men 34 4.3 mmHg ; and men with IBS. Across both IBS and control groups, women demonstrated a significant lowering of discomfort thresholds after noxious sigmoid stimulation P 0.01 ; , while men did not. Conclusions: Sex significantly influences perceptual sensitivity to rectosigmoid distension. Women show greater perceptual responses to this paradigm and lithobid.

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Chemical composition hong qu is composed of onascidin, monacolin i lovastatin, mevinolin ; , monacolin ii beta-hydroxy acid ; , monascin, starch, fatty acids, phytosterols, isoflavones and lithium and isoflavone.
Background: Existing methods of preference assessment are limited by the ability of certain populations to comprehend the required techniques, such as time tradeoffs and standard gambles. Conjoint analysis CA ; facilitates preference assessment through the presentation of hypothetical scenarios that vary according to attributes of the issue being studied. Purpose: 1 ; To develop the tools to conduct a CA experiment among low literacy and minority primary care patients and 2 ; To evaluate the effectiveness of CA as preference assessment technique in these populations using the example of colorectal cancer screening CRCS ; . Methods: This research followed the 5 stages of CA: 1 ; attribute identification; 2 ; assignment of levels to attributes; 3 ; creation of scenarios; 4 ; preference assessment using scenarios; 5 ; analysis. Phase I stages 1-3 ; consisted of in-depth interviews with 74 patients 25 white, 27 African American, 22 Hispanic ; to identify the leading attributes and associated levels relating to CRCS. These data were used to create and pilot-test an initial CA assessment instrument: section 1 ; rating of individual scenarios composed of attribute level combinations on a 1-10 scale and section 2 ; ranking the attributes against one another. Phase II stages 4-5 ; involves preference assessment using the final instrument among 225 low literacy, minority patients. Results: Phase I revealed that test accuracy, preparation, frequency, discomfort, and cost were the top 5 attributes relating to CRCS and that patients wanted very simple descriptions of attribute levels. Sixty-four scenarios were generated, and fractional factorial design was used to reduce the number to 14. Pilot testing found that lower literacy patients were not able to comprehend the attribute level combinations or to complete the rating and ranking exercises. The modified CA instrument includes visual representations, a "story-type" scenario format, and a card-sort method for attribute ranking. Re-piloting found lower literacy patients able to perform rating and ranking and tradeoff attribute level combinations effectively. Conclusions: CA is a valuable and innovative method for preference elicitation research. With appropriate tailoring, CA can assess preferences among low literacy and minority populations where other preference assessment methods may fail. CA can be used in special populations to inform interventions designed to increase use of preference-based health services such as CRCS. The drug is not recommended for patients with severe immunodeficiency, bone marrow dysplasia, or severe, uncontrolled infections and loxitane. Table 2. Comparison of Sensitive and Resistant Results for Organic and Conventional Herds Conventional.

He also stated that the national cancer institute halted the 10-year study some 15 months early because the results had clearly demonstrated the drug's mixed effects. Unquestionably, people are taking advantage of a system that was created for individuals with medical problems, " said ken magee, the drug enforcement administration's agent in charge of operations for oregon and idaho. Mammary gland differentiation, as shown by whole-mount analysis and -casein expression. An imprinting effect was shown for epidermal growth factor receptor expression in mammary terminal end buds. For prostate cancer studies, we used two models. The first was a chemically induced prostate cancer rat model. Lobund-Wistar rats were exposed to 0, 25 and 250 mg genistein kg AIN-76A diet, starting at conception and continuing until necropsy at age 11 mo. Male offspring were injected subcutaneously with flutamide on d 50 and with testosterone on d 67 and injected in the dorsal prostate with N-nitrosomethylurea on d 70. The rats were given testosterone implants starting at d 77. Genistein in the diet inhibited the development of N-nitrosomethylurea-induced prostate invasive adenocarcinomas in a dose-dependent manner. For the second prostate cancer model, we used a transgenic mouse model that results in spontaneously developing adenocarcinoma tumor of the prostate TRAMP ; . Mice fed phytoestrogen-free diet had well-differentiated 52% ; , moderately differentiated 18% ; , and poorly differentiated 31% ; prostatic adenocarcinoma tumors by age 28 30 wk. Genistein in the diet 0, 100, 250 and 500 mg kg AIN-76A ; reduced the incidence of poorly differentiated prostatic adenocarcinomas in a dose-dependent manner. mRNA transcripts of androgen receptor, estrogen receptors and , progesterone receptor, epidermal growth factor receptor, transforming growth factor- , insulin-like growth factor-I, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1 were elevated in prostates of 12-wkold transgenic mice compared with nontransgenic mice. Genistein fed to transgenic mice reversed the effect on androgen receptor, estrogen receptor- , progesterone receptor, epidermal growth factor receptor, insulin-like growth factor-I, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1 but not on estrogen receptor- and transforming growth factor- mRNA expression. We conclude that dietary genistein protects against mammary and prostate cancers by regulating specific sex steroid receptors and growth factor signaling pathways. Soy Isoflavones in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer. Maha Hussain, * Fazlul H. Sarkar, Zora Djuric, * Michael N. Pollak, * Mousumi Banerjee, Daniel Doerge, Joseph Fontana, * Sreenivasa Chinni, Joanne Davis, Jeffrey Forman, # David P. Wood and Omer Kucuk. * * Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Pathology, #Department of Radiation Oncology, Department of Urology and Center for Healthcare Effectiveness Research, Wayne State University and the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, MI; VA Medical Center, Detroit, MI; * Department of Medicine, McGill University and Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; and the Division of Biochemical Toxicology, National Center for Toxicological Research, U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, AR. We previously observed that genistein induces apoptosis and inhibits growth and prostate-specific antigen PSA ; production and secretion in androgen-dependent LNCaP ; and androgen-independent PC3 and VeCaP ; prostate cancer cell lines. To determine the effect of soy isoflavones on serum PSA levels, we conducted a phase II clinical trial in patients with prostate cancer. Eligible patients had prostate cancer and were previously untreated group I ; , treated with local therapy group II ; , or treated with hormone therapy group III ; and had to have either three successive measurements of rising PSA levels or a PSA of 10 g 294 pmol L ; at two successive evaluations. No other therapy or micronutrient supplements were allowed. Patients received 100 mg soy isofla. Referenz 84c Neurologie, 11. Auflage ; Benini A.: Die zervikale Myelopathie. Anatomopathologie, Klinik und Therapie. Schweiz. Rundschau Med. Praxis ; 85, 1383-1386 1996 ; . Wirbelsaulen- und Ruckenmarkschirurgie, Schulthess-Klinik, Zurich. Cervical myelopathy is a condition in which progressive compression of the spinal cord occurs going hand in hand with ongoing degenerative changes of the cervical segment of the spine. The degenerative changes start with a progressive degeneration of the disc, leading to a sometimes very severe narrowing of the cervical canal, mostly by osteophytes growing from the posterior edge of the vertebrae. Surgical decompression of the spinal cord is mandatory, as soon as the lesion is recognizable. In the same age group of patients with cervical myelopathy i.e. aged between 50 and 70 years ; , primary degenerative lesions of the spinal cord, such as primary spastic progressive paralysis or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, can occur. They resemble the cervical myelopathy closely. In that age group, everybody's cervical spine is degenerated to some degree; therefore, patients with primary and not compressive lesions of the spinal cord in the cervical tract are very often unnecessarily operated upon. Even if a pathognomonic neurologic pattern of cervical myelopathy does probably not exist, many of the more frequent symptoms and signs permit to lay out a profile of it, which may help to select the patients suitable for surgery as well as to avoid unnecessary and dangerous operations and isoniazid.
Preliminary experiments established that optimal adhesion by unstimulated eosinophils to rhVCAM-1 at a shear stress of 1 dyn cm2 was seen at a coating concentration of 10 mg mL per channel around 10% of total cells added ; and that eosinophil adhesion peaked at 5 min and plateaued thereafter data not shown ; . This was due to the fact that the majority of cells were pumped through the microchannel over the first 5 min of each study period. Thereafter, the number of eosinophils entering the microchannel was negligible. Thus, differences in the number of adherent eosinophils between the 5 and 15 min time-points mainly reflected the level of detachment under flow conditions. Unstimulated eosinophils were observed to `roll' on the rhVCAM-1 with negligible interactions with the BSA negative control coating observed. Some cells rolled throughout the observation period, some. 37. Lew TW, Kwek TK, Tai D, et al. Acute respiratory syndrome in critically-ill patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome. JAMA 2003; 290: 374-80. : SARSreference lit ?id 12865379 38. Li G, Zhao ZX, Chen LB, Zhou YH. Mild severe acute respiratory syndrome. Emerg Infect Dis 2003; 9: 1182-3. Li H, Nie L, Wang G, et al. Clinical observation of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation NIPPV ; in the treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS ; . Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao 2003; 35 Suppl: 41-3. : SARSreference lit ?id 12914215 40. Li Z, Guo XH, Hao W, Wu YN, Ji YX, Zhao YM, Liu F, Xie XC. The relationship between serum interleukins and T-lymphocyte subsets in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome. Chin Med J 2003; 116: 981-4. : SARSreference lit ?id 12890366 41. Lin M, Tseng HK, Trejaut JA, et al. Association of HLA class I with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection. BMC Med Genet 2003; 4: 9. September 12, 2003. : biomedcentral 1471-2350 4 9 Lin L, Han Y, Yang ZM. Clinical observation on 103 patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome treated by integrative traditional Chinese and western medicine. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi 2003; 23: 409-13. : SARSreference lit ?id 12872389 43. Liu XQ, Chen SB, He GQ. Management of critical severe acute respiratory syndrome and risk factors for death. Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Zhi 2003; 26: 329-33. : SARSreference lit ?id 12899763 44. Loutfy MR, Blatt L, Ward S, et al. Preliminary results on the potential therapeutic benefit of interferon alfacon-1 plus steroids in!

Bone health: » a recent study showed that post-menopausal japanese women who consumed higher amounts of soy isoflavones had a higher bone density. 22. Kennelly EJ, Baggett S, Nuntanakom P, Ososki AL, Mori SA, Duke J, et al. Analysis of thirteen populations of black cohosh for formononetin. Phytomedicine. 2002; 9: 461-7. [PMID: 12222669] 23. McCoy J, Kelly W. Survey of Cimicifuga racemosa for phytoestrogenic flavonoids [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 212th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Orlando, FL. 2529 August 1996. 24. Foster S, Tyler VE. Tyler's Honest Herbal. 4th ed. New York: Haworth Pr; 1999. 25. Zava DT, Dollbaum CM, Blen M. Estrogen and progestin bioactivity of foods, herbs, and spices. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1998; 217: 369-78. [PMID: 9492350] 26. Amato P, Christophe S, Mellon PL. Estrogenic activity of herbs commonly used as remedies for menopausal symptoms. Menopause. 2002; 9: 145-50. [PMID: 11875334] 27. Fugh-Berman A. Herb-drug interactions. Lancet. 2000; 355: 134-8. [PMID: 10675182] 28. Greenspan EM. Ginseng and vaginal bleeding [Letter]. JAMA. 1983; 249: 2018. [PMID: 6834589] 29. Punnonen R, Lukola A. Oestrogen-like effect of ginseng. Br Med J. 1980; 281: 1110. [PMID: 7191760] 30. Hopkins MP, Androff L, Benninghoff AS. Ginseng face cream and unexplained vaginal bleeding. J Obstet Gynecol. 1988; 159: 1121-2. [PMID: 3189445] 31. Thompson LU, Robb P, Serraino M, Cheung F. Mammalian lignan production from various foods. Nutr Cancer. 1991; 16: 43-52. [PMID: 1656395] 32. Lock M, Kaufert P, Gilbert P. Cultural construction of the menopausal syndrome: the Japanese case. Maturitas. 1988; 10: 317-32. [PMID: 3265758] 33. Adlercreutz H, Hamalainen E, Gorbach S, Goldin B. Dietary phyto-oestro gens and the menopause in Japan [Letter]. Lancet. 1992; 339: 1233. [PMID: 1349965] 34. Van Patten CL, Olivotto IA, Chambers GK, Gelmon KA, Hislop TG, Templeton E, et al. Effect of soy phytoestrogens on hot flashes in postmenopausal women with breast cancer: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. J Clin Oncol. 2002; 20: 1449-55. [PMID: 11896091] 35. Han KK, Soares JM Jr, Haidar MA, de Lima GR, Baracat EC. Benefits of soy isofflavone therapeutic regimen on menopausal symptoms. Obstet Gynecol. 2002; 99: 389-94. [PMID: 11864664] 36. St Germain A, Peterson CT, Robinson JG, Alekel DL. Isoflavone-rich or isoflavone-poor soy protein does not reduce menopausal symptoms during 24 weeks of treatment. Menopause. 2001; 8: 17-26. [PMID: 11201510] 37. Scambia G, Mango D, Signorile PG, Anselmi Angeli RA, Palena C, Gallo D, et al. Clinical effects of a standardized soy extract in postmenopausal women: a pilot study. Menopause. 2000; 7: 105-11. [PMID: 10746892] 38. Quella SK, Loprinzi CL, Barton DL, Knost JA, Sloan JA, LaVasseur BI, et al. Evaluation of soy phytoestrogens for the treatment of hot flashes in breast cancer survivors: A North Central Cancer Treatment Group Trial. J Clin Oncol. 2000; 18: 1068-74. [PMID: 10694559] 39. Upmalis DH, Lobo R, Bradley L, Warren M, Cone FL, Lamia CA. Vasomotor symptom relief by soy is9flavone extract tablets in postmenopausal women: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Menopause. 2000; 7: 236-42. [PMID: 10914616] 40. Washburn S, Burke GL, Morgan T, Anthony M. Effect of soy protein supplementation on serum lipoproteins, blood pressure, and menopausal symp. Zingiber zerumbet L ; Sm. known as lempoyang, wild ginger belongs to Zingiberaceae family, which is a widely cultivated plant in village gardens throughout the tropics for its medicinal properties. Although in some areas it can be found growing in secondary forests or at the village edges. It is used in local traditional medicine as a cure for swelling, sores and loss of appetite. The juice of the boiled rhizomes has also been used as a medicine for worm infestation in children. The volatile oils of the rhizomes have been shown to contain zerumbone, humulene and camprene 1 . Zingiberaceae has a rich source of compounds of phytomedical interest. Plants from this family have been reported to have antiinflammatory, antiulcer, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties2 . Thus, the objective of this present study was to evaluate the antiinflammatory activity of Zingiber zerumbet ethanol and aqueous extracts in rats. Z. zerumbet plants with rhizomes were collected from the University Campus, and were identified by the department of Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, University Putra Malaysia. One kg of rhizomes of Z. zerumbet was used for the extraction. The rhizomes were washed with distilled water, chopped into small pieces, dried in oven 50o C ; for about 1 to 2 days and then powdered. Aqueous and ethanol extracts from the rhizomes were prepared with distilled water and 98% ethyl alcohol in Soxhlet apparatus. The extracts were then freeze-dried and stored at -20o C prior to use. Male Sprague Dawley rats 180 to 200 g ; were obtained from Institute of Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They were kept in polypropylene cages with wood shavings as bedding at 27 + 2.0o C in 12 light dark cycle. The animals were adapted to laboratory conditions for 7 days prior to the experiments and were provided with feed and tap water ad libitum. The extracts were devoid of any mortality or behavioral changes when given upto 500 mg kg, i.p. in rats, for example, isoflavones phytoestrogens. Speaker: Ronald Natale, M.D., Medical Oncology Acting Medical Director, CedarsSinai Comprehensive Cancer Center. His expertise is in lung, bladder and prostate cancers, specifically new experimental treatments and clinical trials for those cancers. Pre-registration is required for attendance by May 15. Call Wendy Ballou, Thoracic Oncology Coordinator, at 563421-1961. DeWitt CME May 20, noon, GHG Office Topic: "Evaluation of Hematuria" Speaker: Gus Harb, M.D. Cardiology Grand Rounds May 21, noon, Adler Education Center ACLS Provider for Physicians Only May 14 & 21, 6-10 p.m. Genesis Medical Center, East Campus, Medical Office Bldg 2, Conference Center, Lower Level For questions, call Judy Chapman, MSHA, RN, 421-7129 ACLS Renewal For Physicians Only May 13, 6-9 p.m., same location as above October 22, 6-9 p.m., same location as above For questions, call Judy Chapman, MSHA, RN, 421-7129 Neuroscience Grand Rounds May 28, noon, GMC West campus Topic: "Stroke Prevention Strategies: The Role of Antithrombotic Therapy.
Synopsis The MHRA has published a comprehensive list of the substances that will have to be renamed following the decision to replace all British Approved Names BANs ; with recommended International Non-proprietary Names rINNs ; with the exception of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Title Source Licensing of medicines: Legal status and reclassification of medicines MHRA website Link.
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