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Kin-6, C-reactive protein, and traditional cardiovascular risk factors in women. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2002; 22: 1668 Ridker PM, Hennekens CH, Buring JE, Rifai N. C-reactive protein and other markers of inflammation in the prediction of cardiovascular disease in women. N Engl J Med 2000; 342: 836 Mosca L. C-reactive protein--to screen or not to screen? N Engl J Med 2002; 347: 16157. Pearson TA, Mensah GA, Alexander RW, et al. Markers of inflammation and cardiovascular disease: application to clinical and public health practice: a statement for healthcare professionals from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Heart Association. Circulation 2003; 107: 499 LaRosa JC, He J, Vupputuri S. Effect of statins on risk of coronary disease: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. JAMA 1999; 282: 2340 Shepherd J, Blauw GJ, Murphy MB, et al., on behalf of the PROSPER study group. Pravastatun in elderly individuals at risk of vascular disease PROSPER ; : a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2002; 360: 162330. Sever PS, Dahlof B, Poulter NR, et al., for the ASCOT investigators. Prevention of coronary and stroke events with atorvastatin in hypertensive patients who have average or lower-than-average cholesterol concentrations, in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial--Lipid Lowering Arm ASCOT-LLA ; : a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2003; 361: 1149 Pasternak RC, Smith SC Jr, Bairey-Merz CN, Grundy SM, Cleeman JI, Lenfant C. ACC AHA NHLBI clinical advisory on the use and safety of statins. J Coll Cardiol 2002; 40: 56772. Superko HR, Krauss RM. Differential effects of nicotinic acid in subjects with different LDL subclass patterns. Atherosclerosis 1992; 95: 69 The Coronary Drug Project Research Group. Clofibrate and niacin in coronary heart disease. JAMA 1975; 231: 360 Canner PL, Berge KG, Wenger NK, et al., for the Coronary Drug Project Research Group. Fifteen year mortality in Coronary Drug Project patients: long-term benefit with niacin. J Coll Cardiol 1986; 8: 124555. Carlson LA, Rosenhamer G. Reduction of mortality in the Stockholm Ischaemic Heart Disease Secondary Prevention Study by combined treatment with clofibrate and nicotinic acid. Acta Med Scand 1988; 223: 40518. Brown BG, Zhao XQ, Chait A, et al. Simvastatin and niacin, antioxidant vitamins, or the combination for the prevention of coronary disease. N Engl J Med 2001; 345: 158392. Goldberg AC. Clinical trial experience with ex.
In conclusion, the considerably higher plasma pravastatin concentrations observed in the Mrp2-deficient TR- rats resulted mainly from reduced CL due to the absence of Mrp2 from the canalicular membrane of hepatocytes. Intestinal Mrp2 expression does not appear to play a major role in the oral absorption of pravastatin in normal rats. Comment This is an interesting and provocative study, which extends the prior observations that pravastatin therapy in the West of Scotland study significantly reduced the appearance of type 2 diabetes in participants taking that agent. To some extent, this finding resembles that seen in the HOPE Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation ; trial, in which ramipril therapy significantly reduced the risk of diabetes. A similar theme may exist with both agents. Since we know that pravastatin therapy lowers CRP levels, as does ACE inhibitor therapy with an agent such as ramipril, it may be that the anti-inflammatory effects of these agents have a benefit with regard to -cell decompensation, which is the necessary trigger for the appearance of hyperglycemia sufficient to diagnose type 2 diabetes. Of interest is the possible link between inflammation and diminishing -cell insulin secretory capacity. Whereas this has been previously invoked in patients with type 1 diabetes, such a linkage has never been previously postulated and demonstrated in type 2 diabetes. It is possible that the 127 patients who developed diabetes in this study were not of the classical type 2 diabetes phenotype but may instead have been a variant of type 1 diabetes or perhaps a late-appearing form of type 1 diabetes with slow onset, in whom islet macrophages may indeed have played a role in the development of -cell depletion. Under those circumstances, one can understand the effects of both pravastatin and ramipril as anti-inflammatory agents beneficial to those patients. On the other hand, it is also.

Pravastatin or atorvastatin evaluation and infection therapy

They are: lovastatin mevacor ; pravastatin pravachol ; simvastatin zocor ; fluvastatin lescol ; atorvastatin lipitor. Tion this point is always unstable in fact it is a saddle point ; . Close to x 0 the flux is strongly repelled, so the tumor grows aggressively near zero. Mathematically this is a consequence of the topology of the nullclines curves where 10.
Contact the doctor contact the doctor disclaimer this information is provided for general medical education purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the independent medical judgment of a physician relative to diagnostic and treatment options of a specific patient's medical condition and prograf. The Upjohn Company, a world-wide leader in pharmaceutical research and development, is seeking applications for the position of Director, ClinicalPharmacology, in our Pharmaceutical Research and Development Division. This position can be designed to meet the expertise and experience of the selected applicant. The primary responsibilities will involve Phase I and II clinical drug development for one or more of the following therapeutic areas: Cardiovascular Metabolic, Central Nervous System, Cancer, Hypersensitivity Anti-inflammatory and or Infectious Diseases. The Clinical Pharmacology Group is comprised of a large, professional staff of MD and PhD monitors, Medical Research Associates and additional staff. This position represents a critical interface between the drug discovery effort and the clinical research areas at Upjohn. Candidates will have an MD, and preferably a PhD, with an additional five-to-ten years of experience with demonstrated accomplishments. Both clinical and laboratory research experience are highly desirable. Board certification in Internal Medicine and, post-doctoral training in clinical pharmacology or related discipline are desirable. The opportunity for hands-on research exists within our Upjohn Research Clinics. We are located in Kalamazoo, a mid-sized community in southwestern Michigan, midway between Chicago and Detroit. Upjohn offers advancement opportunities, an excellent salary package, comprehensive benefits and relocation plan. For confidential consideration, please Fax 616329-5525 ; or mail your curriculum vitae to Corporate Employment, The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Ml 49001. Refer to position no. 5638-HA in your correspondence. Upjohn is an Equal Opportunity Employer M F. Our Commitment to Scientific Excellence Continues.
Vi ; Other Chair and Vice Chair's Business No other business. 07.11 Medical Director's Report It was noted that the report had been circulated and Dr Ball would not go through it again. Dr Ball confirmed that Hilary Daniels was leaving her post and noted that she had previously been Chief Executive at Kings Lynn. MAC acknowledged her contribution to the service and in particular her focus on mental health. Julie Garbutt, who was previously Chief Executive of South East Essex PCT will be taking her place in the interim. Progress towards Foundation Trust status: Dr Ball confirmed that this was going as smoothly as hoped for. The first stage has been successfully completed and the Trust is going on to the second phase. The Department of Health have provided a report, which was quite complimentary about Trust procedures. The report has gone to Monitor, who attended the Trust Board meeting yesterday. Monitor need to know and tacrolimus, for example, the effect of pravastatin on coronary events. Of pharmacy & health sciences explained, using the search terms atorvastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin, rosuvastatin, fluvastatin, lovastatin, prospective.
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The median lethal intraperitoneal dose of that preparation in mice at 72 h, the LD50 dose. In this study we describe the comparison, by ten laboratories in five countries, of three different formulations of botulinum type A toxin using the mouse lethality test, and also using the relative activities of the preparations. The results of this study show that use of a standard preparation and expression of relative potency gives substantially greater consistency between and within laboratories than when mouse LD50 unit is used to define activity of botulinum toxin. 2003 The International Association for Biologicals. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. See also: 572. 5.3. Cardiovascular system 492. Folic acid supplement decreases the homocysteine increasing effect of filtered coffee. A randomised placebo-controlled study - Strandhagen E., Landaas S. and Thelle D.S. [E. Strandhagen, Department of Medicine, Cardiovascular Institute, Sahlgrenska Univ. Hospital Ostra, SE-416 85 G teborg, Sweden] - EUR. J. o CLIN. NUTR. 2003 57 11 ; - summ in ENGL Objective: Elevated levels of plasma total homocysteine tHcy ; are identified as independent risk factors for coronary heart disease and for fetal neural tube defects. tHcy levels are negatively associated with folic acid, pyridoxine and cobalamine, and positively associated with coffee consumption and smoking. A total of 600 ml of filtered coffee results in a tHcy increase that 200 g of folic acid or 40 mg of pyridoxine supplementation might eliminate. Design: Randomised, blinded study with two consecutive trial periods. Setting: Free living population. Volunteers. Subjects: A total of 121 healthy, nonsmoking men and women 78% ; aged 29-65y. Interventions: 1 ; A coffee-free period of 3 weeks, 2 ; 600 ml coffee day and a supplement of 200 g folic acid day or placebo for 4 weeks, 3 ; 3-week coffee-free period, 4 ; 600 ml coffee day and 40 mg pyridoxine day or placebo for 4 weeks. Main outcome measures: The difference between the change in tHcy in the supplement group and the change in tHcy in the placebo group during the 4-week trial period. Results: Coffee abstention resulted in a tHcy decrease of 1.04 mol l for the whole group. In the subsequent coffee period, a further decrease of 0.17 mol l was observed in the folic acid group whereas an increase of 1.26 mol l was observed in the placebo group, the difference was 1.43 mol l 95% Cl: 0.80, 2.07 ; . Pyridoxine supplement had no impact on tHcy levels. Conclusions: Supplementation of 200 g folic acid day eliminates the tHcy increasing effect of 600 ml filtered coffee in subjects not already on folic acid supplements. A supplement of 40 mg pyridoxine day does not have the same efffect. 493. Long-term administration of pravastatin reduces serum lipoprotein a ; levels - Horimoto M., Hasegawa A., Takenaka T. et al. [Dr. M. Horimoto, Division of Cardiovascular Disease, Chitose City Hospital, Hokkou 2-Choume 1-1, Chitose City, Hokkaido 0668550, Japan] - INT. J. CLIN. PHARMACOL. THER. 2003 41 11 ; - summ in ENGL Background: The long-term effect of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors on serum lipoprotein a ; Lp a levels has been poorly investigated. Objective: This study sought to examine the effect of 24 months' administration of pravastatin on serum Lp a ; levels. Subjects: 23 patients with coronary artery disease and serum low-density lipoprotein LDL ; cholesterol levels of 120 mg dl or above were included. Method: Serum levels of lipids and Lp a ; were serially determined after the administration of pravastatin for 24 months. Results: Serum LDL-cholesterol LDL-C ; levels significantly decreased from 1 month after the drug administration and the reduction persisted for 24 months, whereas Lp a ; levels did not decrease at 3 months after the administration but significantly decreased at 12 months or more. The reduction in the Lp a ; levels was not related to the dose of pravastatin. Conclusions: The results indicated that long-term administration of pravastatin for 12 months or more significantly reduced serum Lp a ; levels and the reduction of Lp a ; levels occurred much later than that of LDL-C levels. The delayed reduction in serum Lp a ; levels after the administration of pravastatin may be associated with a retarded inhibition of Lp a ; synthesis by the drug. 95.
Indeed is also showing far more side effects at 10 mg than pravastatin or simvastatin would at 10 mg and pentoxifylline. Introduction The Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial ALLHAT ; was a randomized, double-blind study of antihypertensive medications conducted in 33, 357 patients, aged 55 years or older, with stage 1 or stage 2 hypertension and at least 1 other coronary heart disease CHD ; risk factor. Of these patients, 10, 355 with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol LDL-C ; of 120189 mg dL 100129 mg dL in patients with known CHD ; and triglyceride 350 mg dL were randomized to nonblinded pravastatin or usual care for the lipid-lowering trial component of ALLHAT ALLHAT-LLT ; . Compared with other statin trials, ALLHAT-LLT enrolled relatively large proportions of women 49% ; , individuals aged 65 years or older 55% ; , and races and ethnicities other than white 59% for combined African Americans, Hispanics, and other races.

1. Jones PH, Davidson MH, Stein EA, Bays HE, Mckenney JM, Miller E, et al. Comparison of efficacy and safety of rosuvastatin versus atorvastatin, simvastatin ad pravastatin across doses STEIIAR TRIAL ; . J Cardiol 2003; 92: 15260. Shepherd J, Hunnighake DB, Barter P, Mckenney, Hutchinson H.G. Guidelines for lowering lipids to reduce coronary artery disease risk: A comparison of rosuvastatin with atorvastatin, pravastatin and simvastatin for achieving lipid lowering goals. J Cardiol 2003; 91 Suppl ; : 11C-19C and trental.

Rates of obesity among children and adolescents. There is compelling evidence that the atherosclerotic process begins in childhood and progresses slowly into adulthood Express Scripts 2006 ; . Several drug classes are used to treat high cholesterol including: antilipemic agents such as niacin Niacor, Nicolar, Nicotinic Acid ; bile acid resins including cholestyramine powder for suspension Prevalite, Questran, Questran Light ; , colesevelam Welchol ; , and colestipol Colestid ; cholesterol absorption inhibitors such as ezetimibe Zetia ; fibric acid derivatives such as fenofibrate Micronized, Antara, Lofibra, Tricor, Triglide ; and gemfibrozil Lopid ; HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors such as atorvastatin Lipitor ; , fluvastatin Lescol ; , fluvastatin Extended-Release Lescol XL ; , lovastatin Mevacor ; , lovastatin extended release Altocor, Altoprev ; , pravastatin Pravachol ; , rosuvastatin Crestor ; , and simvastatin Zocor ; . Antidepressants Depression is an illness that can cause noticeable changes in moods, perceptions of oneself, and environment. There are several types of depression, each varying in the number, severity and length of symptoms. Approximately 16 percent of Americans, 48 million, will have depression during their lifetime. In any given year, more than 14 million Americans, or more than 6 percent of adults, experience depression GlaxoSmithKline 2007 ; . While depression can affect anyone, its effect may vary depending on age and gender. Women are almost twice as likely to become depressed as men. The higher risk may be due partly to hormonal changes brought on by puberty, menstruation, menopause, and pregnancy. Although their risk for depression is lower, men are more likely to go undiagnosed and less likely to seek help. They may show the typical symptoms of depression, but are more likely to be angry and hostile or to mask their condition with. Research clearly shows that these drugs have absolutely no positive long-term effect on any criteria we value for our children-no positive effect on academic, cognitive, behavioral or social outcomes and pheniramine.
3-19 GLUCOSAMINE AND CHONDROITIN FOR TREATING SYMPTOMS OF OSTEOARTHRITIS Glucosamine is a hexosamine sugar NH2 replacing OH in the hexose ; -- a basic building block of glycans polysaccharides ; that are important constituents of articular cartilage. Chondroitin is a glycosaminoglycan a muco[protein]polysaccharide ; found in cartilage. Both can be derived from animal products and can be used therapeutically. Both are termed "nutraceuticals" ie, foods having pharmacological effects ; . Their mechanism of action in the treatment of osteoarthritis OA ; is not known. This issue of JAMA reports a systematic review of randomized, controlled trials RCTs ; of glucosamine and chondroitin used separately, not together ; . The main finding was that both are likely to be effective therapies for the symptomatic management of OA. However, the degree of clinical benefit may be less than that predicted by the RCTs because of methodological flaws inadequate allocation concealment; absence of intention-to-treat analyses ; and probable publication bias. There was an inverse relationship between trial size and quality of the study, which indicate a likely exaggeration of treatment benefits. Publication bias the greater likelihood that research with statistically significant results will be published compared with research with non-significant results ; tends to produce exaggerated treatment benefits. The systematic review found that only 1 of 15 RCTs was deemed completely independent in terms of manufacturer. This raises suspicion of publication bias. RCTs supported by the pharmaceutical industry may be associated with publication bias, a biased interpretation of results, or both, for example, prvaastatin and grapefruit. ANational Cholesterol Education Program NCEP ; low-density-lipoprotein LDL ; cholesterol goals are based on Adult Treatment Panel ATP ; III recommendations, except for 52-week data from references 46 and 47, which are based on NCEP ATP II data. HDL high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol, TC total cholesterol, TG triglycerides, R rosuvastatin doses expressed in terms of base and given as calcium salt ; , NP analysis not performed, Pl placebo, A atorvastatin doses expressed in terms of salt and given as calcium salt ; , S simvastatin doses expressed in terms of base and given as base ; , Pr 0ravastatin doses expressed in terms of base and given as sodium salt ; , N niacin, FDE forced dosage escalation, F fenofibrate. bp 0.001 vs. placebo or vs. other statins. cp 0.05 vs. placebo or vs. other statins. dp 0.001 vs. R 10. ep 0.002 vs. R 10. fp 0.001 vs. R 20. gp 0.002 vs. R 20. hp 0.001 vs. R 20. ip 0.001 vs. R 40. jp 0.002 vs. R 40. kp 0.01 vs. other statins. lp 0.001 vs. Pr. mp 0.05 vs. S. np 0.05 vs. Pr. op 0.001 for difference between R and A across dose ranges studied. pp 0.001, R 40 vs. A 40. qSix weeks of treatment with each dose. rp 0.001 vs. Pl. sp 0.05 vs. Pl. tp 0.01 vs. R 40. up 0.001 vs. R 40 and progesterone.
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It is mainly for anabolic agents, hormones and related substances, beta 2 agonists, agents with anti-oestrogenic activity, diuretics, masking agents and prohibited methods. Random samples are taken during training seasons, without prior notification. WHAT SHALL BE TESTED? Urine has been chosen as the body fluid for evidence of drug abuse. The American Medical Association AMA ; Council on Scientific Affairs has enumerated the following reasons for this selection : i ; The collection of urine is not invasive. ii ; Large volumes can be collected easily. iii ; Drugs and their metabolites are generally present in higher concentration in urine than in other tissues or fluids because of the concentrating function of kidneys. iv ; Urine is easier to analyse than blood and other tissues because of usual absence of protein and cellular constituents. v ; Drugs and their metabolites are usually very stable in frozen urine allowing long term storage of positive samples. On the contrary, for some substances like Human Growth Hormone, Erythropoietin blood assay is the only method available to detect its abuse. Similarly.
Quality of evidence Several information sources were used including an advanced MEDLINE search, Cochrane Library database, and personal contacts. The advanced MEDLINE and Cochrane Library databases were searched first to determine the strength of evidence arising from clinical trials for various therapies. The MEDLINE search was limited to English articles from January 1990 to December 2001. Premenstrual syndrome and synonymous terms identified by the thesaurus were cross-matched with the MeSH headings diet therapy, drug therapy, prevention and control, rehabilitation, and therapy. These terms were then cross-matched with the MeSH heading "review" to help identify any systematic reviews already published on the topic. Individual searches were performed on identified treatments using the specific treatments as MeSH headings. Appropriate articles were obtained and critically appraised. Search of the Cochrane Library database obtained review protocols on the use of vitamin B, evening primrose oil, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs ; for treatment of PMS. Primary authors of the reviews3-5 were contacted, and they generously and propafenone. Food intake measured in both kilojoules and grams ; was significantly reduced during therapy with sibutramine 10 to 30 mg day compared with placebo in obese and non-obese volunteers who were not dieting. With respect to individual macronutrients, daily intake of both fat and protein was significantly reduced by sibutramine in non-dieting obese women; the drug had no significant effect on daily carbohydrate intake. overall there were no significant effects on the percentage of energy from macronutrients consumed during each treatment phase, although both fat and carbohydrate intake were up to 12.4% lower after sibutramine than after placebo. However, in diet-controlled obese patients, carbohydrate and protein intakes were increased by 4.8 and 36%, respectively ; and fat intake was reduced by 7.8% ; after 6 months' treatment with once-daily sibutramine 10 mg. These results were supported by observations in animal feeding models. Sibutramine in single or multiple doses 0.3 to 10 mg kg day ; reduced food intake in a dose-related manner. These effects appear to be mediated via combined serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibition. It has been suggested that in rats the hypophagic effects of sibutramine result from enhancement of the natural development of satiety. However, its effect on the frequency of feeding is not clear. While one study showed that sibutramine reduced the size and duration of meals, but not the meal number, another study showed that sibutramine also resulted in a reduction in the frequency of eating episodes.Dietary composition may influence the efficacy of sibutramine in altering feeding behaviour. The minimum effective dose of sibutramine required to reduce food intake was lower in obese rats fed a high fat diet than in non-obese rats fed either a high carbohydrate or a normal diet. In rats, fat but not lean body mass was reported to be significantly decreased in relation to both dose and duration of sibutramine administration 1 to 10 mg kg for 30 days ; . Differences in the loss of fat versus lean body mass have also been reported in obese patients.
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About Sankyo Sankyo Co., Ltd. is one of Japan's largest pharmaceutical companies with annual worldwide sales of $5 billion and over 11, 500 employees. Sankyo has a long history of discovering new classes of drugs, including the statin class of lipid-lowering drugs with its discovery of the first statin, mevastatin, and pravastatin, the second statin therapy to be marketed globally. In addition, Sankyo developed and launched the first glitazone, which revolutionized long-term control of type 2 diabetes. Sankyo is continuously working toward new discoveries especially in the field of Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Obesity, Bones and Joints, Immune system related disorders and allergies. For more information, please visit About Tularik Tularik is engaged in the discovery and development of a broad range of novel and superior orally available medicines that act through the regulation of gene expression. The Company's scientific platform is focused on three therapeutic areas: cancer, immunology and metabolic disease. Tularik is currently conducting a pivotal study of T67 for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma HCC ; and Phase 2 clinical trials of T607 for the treatment of gastric cancer and esophageal cancer. T487, for the treatment of psoriasis, and T131, for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, are in Phase 2 clinical trials. T487 for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is moving into Phase 2 clinical trials. T71 for the treatment of obesity is in Phase 1 clinical trials. A corporate partner, Eli Lilly and Company, is conducting a Phase 2 clinical trial of an oral Factor Xa inhibitor for the prevention and treatment of thrombotic diseases. For more information, visit Tularik's Internet website at tularik . This press release contains "forward-looking" statements. For this purpose, any statements contained in this press release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Words such as "believes, " "anticipates, " "plans, " "expects, " "will, " "intends" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause the results of Tularik to differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements, including, among others, risks detailed from time to time in Tularik's SEC reports, including the report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2003 and the report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2003. Tularik does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements. Were unadjusted for inflation. A slight increase was observed in the percent of seniors who met the critena for diabetes and received at least one antihypertensive drug in a fiscal year over the seven year period. Antihypertensive drug expenditures in diabetics increased 32.9% between I 989 3 . and 1995 C$4.7 M ; . These expenditures represented 5.0% in 1989 and 6.7% in 1995 of the total annual expenditures for the Nova Scotia Seniors' Phannacare Program. The mean annual expenditure per diabetic senior paid by Pharmacare, excluding copayments paid by seniors, increased $49.32 13.8 and pyrazinamide.
Table 2. Population development in DIALOG countries in 2001.
Sheffield Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Aquila Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. ProLX Pharmaceuticals ProLX Pharmaceuticals Eli Lilly & Company SIGA Technologies, Inc. ID Biomedical Corp. North American Vaccine, Inc. ID Vaccine Corp. BioChem Pharma, Inc. SIGA Technologies, Inc. Microscience Ltd. BioChem Pharma, Inc. MedImmune, Inc. AlphaRx Inc. Columbia Laboratories BTG plc IDUN Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Osiris Therapeutics Inc. Medarex, Inc. RegenMed.
I want to see Governor's Island linked in the same headline with casino gambling." That quote came from the lips of our good, reliable, liberal Democratic Rep. Carolyn Maloney. "A casino ain't going to fly, " said Tony Bullock, chief of staff to Democrat Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan. "New York with people like that, " the mayor said on Saturday. "The minute idea is proposed a little bit different from their ideas, it's a bad idea, not a good idea." So what do Moynihan and Maloney want to do with Governors Island? They want a lovely park, where night muggers would find an alternative to Central Park. I mean, who is going to take a ferry to stroll on green grass? Give me a break, will you? It's going to cost us right now to keep the former Coast Guard base. Do Moynihan and Moloney propose to raise taxes for that upkeep so we can stroll on the grass? Look, maybe the only good thing Rudy hasn't taken credit for is the sun but he is either very lucky or he's a doggone genius. Look what he has done in that mess called the Off-Track Betting Corp. This fiscal year, it made $11.9 million profit. In 1994, it was $5.4 million in the hole. For Rudy it was a no-brainer, just bussines. Are there social concerns involved in casino ganbling? Of course there are. The same way bars feed alcoholics, chocolates feed the obese, cigarettes feed your lungs with foul fumes and people drown in water when they can't swim. Steak knives kill husbands and cliffs are hazardous to health and if you are hit by a car crossing the road it is sure to hurt. The point is that casino gambling under Rudy's vision, would minimize the chance that a working stiff would go broke. Rudy sees Governors Island as another Monoco. So, let's let's talk turkey. It won't be a place for a taxi driver unless he's an indepedently wealthy cat. It would be strictly black tie, with no credit to provide the means for the reckless to get in over their heads. So if Ron Perelman wants to drop a couple of hundred thousand, pony up with the check. Will it be elitest? It will. Could I afford to go there? No. But the millions of dollars raked in by the city will make all our lives a lot easier. Sure, let's rob from the rich to give to the poor. If Donald Trump wants in, let him. But let's wear a mask and carry a gun, and hold him up for a big chunkof change. The point is that Governor's Island will satisfy the "not in my backyard" crowds of people who don't want a casino in their neighborhood. It's 173 acres in the middle of water doing nothing but costing us money. Will the environmentalists squal? Oh, sure they will. It'll be the same crew who held up the West Side Highway for years because it might interrupt the love life of the striped bass. Right now the only thing a casino would do is interrupt the love life of water rats. It's downright insulting for any politician to virtually tell New Yorkers that we can't be trusted with a casino because we might be naughty boys and girls. Casino gambling thrives in London, Monaco, Macao, and Louisiana, Foxwoods and the Indian reservations are doing quite well too, thank you. For anyone who points to Atlantic City and says it's a dump, they would be right. That's because of the management of the city. Look at Vegas and Reno real oases of the desert. Vegas is the fastest-growing city in the country. Look, we already have a casino in New York it's called Wall Street. And let me tell you, I would be much happier putting my money in the hands of a blackjack dealer from Brooklyn than trusting some three-piece-suited stiff who learned to steal in business school. 11. Manninen V, Tenkanen L, Koskinien P, et al. Joint effects of serum triglycerides and LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol concentrations on coronary heart disease risk in the Helsinki Heart Study: implications for treatment. Circulation, 1992, 85, 37-45. Rubins HB, Robins SJ, Collins D, et al. Gemfibrozil for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in men with low levels of highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol. N Engl J Med, 1999, 341, 410-8. Ford ES, Giles WH, Dietz WH. Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome among US adults: findings from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. JAMA, 2002, 287, 356-9. The Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study 4S ; . Randomized trial of cholesterol lowering in 4, 444 patients with coronary heart disease. Lancet, 1994, 344, 1383-9. Shepherd J, Cobbe SM, Ford I, et al. Prevention of coronary heart disease with pravastatin in men with hypercholesterolemia. N Engl J Med, 1995, 333, 1301-7. Heart Protection Study Collaborative Group. MRC BHF Heart Protection Study of cholesterol lowering with simvastatin in 20536 highrisk individuals: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet, 2002, 360, 7-22. Nofer JR, Kehrel B, Fobker M, Levkau B, Assmann G, von Eckardstein A. HDL and arteriosclerosis: beyond reverse cholesterol transport. Atherosclerosis, 2002, 161, 1-16.

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